Thursday, September 14, 2023

Freedom Versus Beauty

In a comment on a recent post on this blog, I wrote "freedom is high up on the shelf, but I live and die for beauty." And I was thinking about that. The reason I place beauty above freedom is because, to me, beauty is happiness. And the way I see it, the purpose of freedom is to give us the ability to pursue happiness (since happiness is so mercurial that it can't simply be prescribed). Perhaps freedom has an intrinsic value apart from its utility in steering us toward happiness, but I can say that if I had the ability to be happy at the cost of my freedom, I'm not sure how valuable freedom would be anymore. Isn't that why all these conservatives who are perfectly content with the way things are (or used to be) are trying to take away our freedoms?

Anyway, it led me to an interesting thought experiment. If you had to choose between two alternatives, which would you prefer? A world in which all are free to go nude, at the cost of everybody being ugly...or a world in which everyone is beautiful, but nobody is permitted to go nude? Of course, it begs the question of whether there is any value in beauty if it's covered up. What if I said you could be surrounded by beautiful naked people, but you couldn't take your own clothes off?

I can say I would be hard-pressed to choose between those two alternatives, but neither one would be totally satisfactory. The ideal, of course, is to have both - freedom and beauty. But I do feel as though I'm often made to choose between the two. To spend a day alone and naked in the woods, or clothed with friends? To visit a nudist resort filled with old and sagging bodies, or put on a swimsuit and surround myself with bodies that are less ravaged by age? My solution is to alternate between the two, as opportunities arise. But I still dream of a world in which we can have both, simultaneously...


  1. I choose freedom first because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is a relative concept. What is beautiful for one may be ugly for others. But we can always dream of a world where we can live naked at all times and for everyone, beautiful or ugly. We do not have to choose this criterion

    1. I received a similar response when I posed this question on the website formerly known as Twitter. With respect, I think it breaks the hypothetical (which is fair, because it's designed to put you on the spot). Would your answer change if beauty were objective - something on which we all could agree? Or am I just being too introverted, thinking about how I would feel and no one else?

      Obviously, freedom AND beauty is best. But if I could have ONLY one and not the other, I know which one would satisfy me more. And maybe that says something about how I'm broken. Or how, as individualistic and strong-willed as I may be, I'm still just a slave to my instincts in the final analysis. But throw a man into the desert, and he would sell his soul for a drop of water.
