Wednesday, December 14, 2022

DeviantArt or Deviant Porn?

It may just be a passing phase, but I've been growing a little bored of Twitter lately. I actually started working through my buildup of (literally) hundreds of notifications on DeviantArt, and it's fun spending some time back on that site again (although browsing all those pictures on a widescreen monitor can be a strain on the eyes). I follow some talented nude artists on Twitter, but it's a very different experience.

Courting "engagement" is so tedious. I've grown accustomed to the sort of response my work has received on sites like Flickr and DeviantArt. On Twitter, it's often like speaking to an empty auditorium. I miss the days of the old photo sharing sites, before it was all about "gaming the algorithm". Things were a lot more straightforward; your profile was understood to be the place where you showed off your work, and you had a separate section for other people's stuff that you liked. Nowadays, everything gets jumbled together on your feed, and the pace of updates is so rapid you can't possibly keep up, and the things you post lose relevance after 24 hours, if they were lucky enough to be seen by anyone in the first place.

Anyway, one thing that strikes me about DeviantArt is just how much fetishism there is. Some of it is legitimately weird, but honestly, I find that it inspires my erotic imagination in a way that I realize I haven't felt for a while. Fine art can just be so dry sometimes, you know? And so pretentious. Whatever you might say about the forward-thinking NFT community, it feels really cultish. Well, I thought it would be fun to list some of the most popular fetishes I've been encountering on DeviantArt, just because documenting people's sexual interests seems fascinating to me. Must be Kinsey's influence. So this is what I've been seeing a lot of as I browse through people's lists of favorites, with some light commentary:

*kidnapping - A little bondage is fine if you ask me, but a fixation on this sort of thing is a little bit concerning.

*feet - I can appreciate some of this material, but fetishists always seem to take it too far.

*vore - No thank you, lol.

*genderswap captions (sometimes involving age regression) - I think the sissification angle is problematic (feminization isn't humiliating to me), but there's a lot of creativity on display here, and some of it is legitimately stimulating.

*kids - No comment, since you can't say anything on this topic that isn't either compelled speech or suicide by words, and neither of those two options sounds very appealing to me.

*giants/minis - To each their own, but I think this is just weird...

*cartoons/rule 34 fanart - I'm all for people using their imaginations to sexualize pop culture icons. Also, with regards to the complaint of "ruining one's childhood", part of growing up is realizing how much sexuality permeates nearly everything we do in life. Get over it.

*dickgirls - You might be surprised to hear this coming from me, considering my gender-bending tendencies, but I find the juxtaposition of a penis on a fully female body off-putting. ::shrugs::

*forced nudity/exhibitionism (including clothed/nude mixed groups) - As a nudist, I obviously don't relate to the humiliation aspect, but otherwise this kind of content is right up my alley.

*sleeping bodies and simulated corpses - I'm trying very hard not to judge people for their sexual inclinations, but this is another one that concerns me a bit.

*femdom - You know I think girl power rocks, but some of these fantasies take it to a humorously unrealistic extreme. Like, men being kept as pets and subservient sex slaves to women. Or women treating men's balls - literally - as punching bags. Just as an example.

*spanking - I think I enjoy the threat more than the execution. The anticipation of submission and exposure (and sometimes the abuse of authority) thrills me more than the pain or the bruising.

*small dick energy - Like, guys who get off on being teased about their size. I'm concerned that this sort of thing could contribute to insecurity, but for those who enjoy it, I'm happy that they can turn what could be considered a deficiency into something that brings them pleasure.

I'm actually surprised I don't see more furry/bestial content (I know it's on there), but you can find just about anything if you dig deep enough (even, surprisingly, sexually explicit material that I thought was prohibited by the rules). All of this is, of course, in addition to lots of gay material (which is great - I might prefer girls, but I like to see equal representation) and the usual heaps of naked or scantily clad women that straight men like to ogle (which is also great).


  1. I agree with you on DeviantArt. There's a lot there for all taste. So funny your ''kids'' section, very dangerous topic. I like a lot your profile there. Very artistic and lovely.

    1. My main gripe with DeviantArt is that I have all these wonderfully erotic and legitimately artistic photos of erections that I can't share there, which is downright weird, considering how much fetishism there is (and how many sexually explicit pics seem to fly under the radar). I guess when you can't simply show the carnal act, it forces people to get creative with their sexual imaginations! lol

    2. This is indeed the irony of the situation. Nudity is accepted and it must be said, sexuality, nudity is largely responsible for the success of such a platform. But there are completely incomprehensible rules on all these sites (Twitter, Flickr, and even OnlyFan). Censorship is more present than ever and even more insidious because the rules are poorly defined and force people to censor themselves under penalty of expulsion without any form of warning.
      I love your freedom, your creativity and seeing your erections are a real pleasure and an expression of healthy sexuality.
      I wish we were more to express our pleasure and appreciation for what you do here, and all your other platforms

    3. I was definitely spoiled by the Adult Flickr Members: How Not To Get Deleted group. It was a group of non-staff members on Flickr who were dedicated to interpreting the rules, communicating with staff, and taking into account actual decisions made against other people's accounts, to try to determine exactly what is and is not permitted on Flickr. Every platform needs that kind of group, although it's a job that shouldn't be left to be done by members who aren't paid staff. And I have no doubt the platforms prefer you to be left in the dark. Anyway, they all use AI these days, and AI is notoriously bad at making good censorship decisions.
