Friday, October 27, 2017

Transmutation and Sorcery

For the latest image in my Why Nudism? series, I have recreated Leonardo da Vinci's sketch of the Vitruvian Man, to emphasize the architectural excellence of the human body. This was a very exciting concept for me, both in the shooting, and finally merging together the different images into a final result. I ended up with a few alternate images, depicting various stages of the process. A couple of animated gifs show me posing (front and back) in the different stances (with arms and legs either together at my sides, or outstretched to various degrees) that I would have to choose from to merge together. At one point, I began to consider how I might put an intriguing spin on the concept - which led to me jumping into the air, and trying to capture the poses mid-flight - although, ultimately, I decided that the traditional version looked best (it was hard to get the various figures lined up right jumping into the air like that).

While jumping about in the garage, where I had some space to work with, I thought of a photo idea I'd been wanting to try for a very long time. It's one of those clichés that your typical budding teenage girl photographer (as seen on flickr) tends to do sooner or later. In all the years that I've been shooting clones, it's a wonder it's taken this long for me to try one of my own. I guess I kinda associated them with the beach, and lord knows I haven't had a chance to shoot much photography there in the past ten or twenty years. You do need a lot of room to pull this off. It's also very trial-and-error - even more so than typical self-portrait photography, because it's so hard to micromanage the position of your body in mid-air. I had a lot of fun, though. I don't know if I'm completely happy with the results, but they're certainly interesting to look at. Maybe I'll try it again some day.

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