Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Treading Water

So, I've been shooting a lot of content lately. That probably sounds like a good thing to you, and it's not unusual for me during the summer, when the weather's nice and I'm active and feeling inspired. But let me give you an idea of what I'm dealing with here. When Patreon fired me this spring, it put a wrench in my production and distribution line, just as I was starting to catch up on unreleased content from last fall. Much of that is still unprocessed and unposted, along with a lot of stuff from this spring and early summer, as I was continuing to create even without an outlet, before repurposing my OnlyFans account from "salacious content only" to a sort of catch-all.

At least I no longer have to parse whether
every photo I take is "simply nude" or erotic.

At the start of August I made the determination to return to the practice of processing everything I produce in a methodical and organized manner, preparing it for release. I've been posting material, on average, every other day since the start of the month, which is a pretty brisk pace for me. Over four weeks later, at the end of the month, I am literally - and this is not an exaggeration - still processing photos and videos from just the third day of the month. The third day. It's insane! And there's so much other great material I've taken in these past four weeks that I haven't even gotten to yet, not to mention everything from last month through the spring and back to last fall that hasn't been shared yet.

I don't know what to do but keep plodding along, even as I continue to produce more material almost daily. (Shooting is much more fun than processing). I should be happy that I'll have enough of a harvest to carry me through the less active winter months (and then some, perhaps), but the truth is, I don't like the feeling of barely treading water. And though the passage of time does sometimes bring perspective, I'd prefer to share the fruits of my labors while the excitement of producing them is still fresh. (Also, it's awkward posting fall photos in the spring, or summer photos in the winter).

On the other hand, if I'm not producing a lot of material - to the point that I have a backlog to lean on in times of famine - I get anxious about the steady inflow of content drying up, facing the threat of losing subscribers and once again having to pour my blood, sweat, and tears into creating art pro bono, instead of for gas money (which I guess is about all I'm good for). This is not helped by OnlyFans "reminding" me if I go so many days without posting - as if unlimited access to over a hundred videos and over a thousand photos (and counting) isn't worth five bucks a month if I'm not constantly producing new material.

In other words, I just can't win either way. But I guess it's good to be busy, and to have that driving force of motivation lighting a fire under my ass, than to get too comfortable and become complacent. Even the depression that came in the wake of Patreon's mishandling of me couldn't snuff out my passion for creating nude art, as I holed up in a hotel room for a week to escape the stresses of my life, and did nothing but play retro video games, watch cult classic b-movies, and take naked photos of myself all day long.